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Tethered Authentication Tags


per artwork

Choose number of artworks to authenticate.


Amateur Tethered Community


per year

Manage and learn how to tether all artworks.

  • Up to 50 tethered artworks

  • Artists are automatically put in the Amateur Community after tethering their first artwork

  • Mobile scans of physical artwork (public tag) will always uniquely link to the verified site

  • Mobile scans of COA (private tag) will always link to the login page of

  • Artist will not be displayed on public page 

Emerging Tethered Community


per year

Data driven reports on collector emails, artwork location, and scans.

  • Up to 200 tethered artworks

  • Includes all Amateur Community capabilities

  • Give artists a user-friendly way to view all information about their artwork

    • Datasheet of ordered collector emails of an artwork

    • Datasheet of ordered locations of an artwork

    • Datasheet of ordered prices of artwork

    • Datasheet and graph of total scans

  • Allow artist to customize and view their private profile

Established Tethered Community


per year

Include yourself in the public catalog of artists profiles.

  • Unlimited tethered artworks

  • Includes all Amateur Community capabilities

  • Includes all Emerging Community capabilities

  • Artist will be displayed on public page

  • Artist can verify their profile by integrating with Instagram

  • Artist can remain anonymous by making their profile private



per year

Speak with one of our plan building experts and select the price that's right for you!

  • From 50 to unlimited tethered artworks

  • Automatically become an Amateur Community member after tethering your first artwork

  • Mobile scans of physical artwork (public tag) will always uniquely link to the verified site

  • Mobile scans of COA (private tag) will always link to the login page of

  • Decide to be displayed on public page or customize and view your profile

  • Choose the information you care about most and recieve detailed reports on your artwork

  • Look into acount verification through Instagram

  • And much more!  Schedule your call today


Check your email for instructions on how to prepare your artwork for authentication and next steps!

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